
loop isolator mainly used to isolate a portion of a short circuit on the bus, other devices on the bus to ensure normal operation. Upon elimination of the short circuit fault, loop isolator can be isolated out their own part back into the system. It is worth noting: AW-D314 loop isolator  using the bus to facilitate the determination of the location of a short circuit.

Addressable Fire Alarm System Loop Isolator Module Feature

  • In the event of a short circuit isolates faulty parts of the loop
  • Automatically resetting once the fault has cleared
  • LED lights indicate status


ASENWARE is the fire alarm system and fire suppression system manufacturer and whole fire safety solution provider since 2005. Driven by a commitment to sound operations, ongoing innovation, and open collaboration, we have established a competitive fire safety products line include addressable fire alarm system, conventional fire alarm system, central monitoring emergency light system, fire telephone and emergency audio system, fire pump, fire hose and gas suppression system.
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