
Addressable Gas Detector type measurement range of 0-100% LEL of point combustible gas detectors screen printing a thick film with high quality metal oxide semiconductor sensor for detecting combustible gas leaks, apply security monitoring in homes, factories, hotels, apartments and other presence of flammable gases, can access the ASENWARE addressable fire alarm control system to achieve network connectivity.

Addressable Gas Detector Features

  • Detect natural gas (methane).
  • Using semiconductor gas sensor and excellent performance MCU.
  • Excellent reliability & High stability.


ASENWARE is the fire alarm system and fire suppression system manufacturer and whole fire safety solution provider since 2005. Driven by a commitment to sound operations, ongoing innovation, and open collaboration, we have established a competitive fire safety products line include addressable fire alarm system, conventional fire alarm system, central monitoring emergency light system, fire telephone and emergency audio system, fire pump, fire hose and gas suppression system.
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