FK-5-1-12 Fire Detection Tube Automatic Fire Detection And Suppression Device FK-5-1-12 fire tube
Hanging type of FK-5-1-12 automatic fire suppression system is mainly composed by two parts. Extinguishing devices and electrical accessories.These integrated two parts will be efficient to detect and supervise and alarm and extinguish fire automatically.
Hanging type of FK-5-1-12 automatic fire suppression system is mainly composed by two parts. Extinguishing devices and electrical accessories.These integrated two parts will be efficient to detect and supervise and alarm and extinguish fire automatically.
It can beused for all kinds of class fires except metal fire. And it is clean agent. There is no residue and pollution
after extinguishing.Another one is that FK-5-1-12 extinguishing system is special for critical assets or will have no
damage for your property. Relatively, it is cheap and effective to bechosen as fire suppression system.
Different from piped network type of FK-5-1-12 automatic fire suppression system, it will be simple to install. Because
there is no pipeline installation.
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